Friday, June 12, 2020

Paper Discussion Questions

Paper Discussion Questions The Carlsbad Resolutions of 1819 seem like an extreme measure to control the youth as much as possible. The students are usually the open minded ones, and if you can limit their freedom, then you can limit rebellion, if you can limit rebellions, then you can avoid unexpected costs. This seems to be what the creators of these resolutions were thinking about. There resolutions are outrageous. They take full control over the lives of the students, from groups, research, publications, and even professors. The supervisor could be fired for no reason and the student would be left hanging with his term paper. Their study group could be seen as unauthorized and could also be closed down. The new agent that was to be introduced to each university has much influence. Anything suspicious is now under his control. These resolutions limit the liberty of many people are thus inappropriate. Not only does it put everyone on campus under a lot of stress, it thus effects the wellbeing of the university. If students and professors can’t have favorable conditions to work, their products are likely to be a lot worse than they could be.